tasto rabbit
tasto rabbit

01.  Shrine

Project developed during the master in Web Design (2021/22)
It was about developing one-page desktop website for a fictitious furniture brand. Shrine is the name of the brand I designed.

02.  Robots in love

project developed during the Erasmus+ programme in the 3rd university year, for the Comunicazione Visiva class (2020/21)
It was about design a series of levels for a platformer game based on some standard elements and a set of rules

03.  Adelphi 0

project developed during the 2nd university year, for the Level Design class (2019/20)
It was about design a corporate brochure for a selected company. Whit my uny mates, we chose to work on the publishing house Adelphi.

don't you dare!
Turn the screen